+8801612651032 info@eshoi.org
Project Chars Livelihoods Program (CLP)
Started on (Date) 2005
Phased out (Date 2016
Funded by DFID&CLP
Implementing Partner UnnayanSangha(US)
Working area IslampurUpozila in Jamalpur District
Goal and Objectives To Improve the Livelihoods of over one million extreme poor households living on Island chars in north western Bangladesh
Key interventions
  • # Primary health care & family planning services
  • # Social development group formation & development ,
  • # ensure timely checking, counseling to pregnant and lactating mother,
  • # IFA tablets distribution for pregnant, lactating mother & adolescent girls,
  • # Assets purchase and assets transfer,
  • # cattle rearing,
  • # Training on homestead gardening,
  • # training on local verity poultry rearing,
  • # distribution of poultry feed,
  • # plinth raising,
  • # Installation of new Tube Well with platform,
Result of intervention Improved awareness of people on their rights like-gender equity, health-hygiene, education, family planning, bad effect of early & multiple marriage, disaster preparedness and management, birth & marriage registration, water and sanitation, social ties and others socio-environmental issues. As a result they have been communicating with different GO-NGO and Private Service providers/facilities to get necessary services, financial capacity, nutritional status, education status of their child and overall health status have been increasing.
Project outcome The chars people especially the beneficiaries have been living safely than before in their homesteads with homestead vegetable gardening, plantation of food trees, using of water sealed latrine, tube-well for safe drinking water and social safety net, which increases their livelihoods security.


Impressive photographs (Project Image):